TIWLT runs on donations of time, talent, land and financial support. We’re a volunteer-based, non-profit organization, a registered charity, and not government funded. There are different donation scenarios outlined here, from a basic TIWLT membership to multi-year support including tax and generational planning. All donations help and will receive a tax receipt.
Land and Easements
Conserve healthy habitat that wildlife needs to survive and thrive, 4Ever.
Insurance Policies, Stocks, Bonds, etc.
Donate insurance policies, stocks and bonds for tax receipts.

Land and Easements
Fee Simple
In a fee-simple donation, you donate your land as a gift to TIWLT in exchange for a tax credit equal to the property’s appraised market value. TIWLT becomes the new owner of the property, and takes responsibility for monitoring it, protecting its natural function, and paying the property taxes on it. And since it’s through the Ecological Gifts program, you’re exempt from capital gains tax. Often times, people pair their land donation with a monetary donation of 10% of the land’s value, to support the costs associated with protecting it forever.
Many different scenarios are possible with a fee-simple donation. You can donate a portion of the land and sell the rest to TIWLT, with a tax receipt for the gift value; or you can donate the land and request a “life lease”, entitling you to continue living on it for as long as you choose. If you have a piece of land you’d like to donate, contact us and we’ll discuss it with you.
Conservation Easements
Easements allow you to permanently protect your land while still retaining ownership. You continue to live on the land and use it, and you can sell or pass it onto your heirs.
A conservation easement is an agreement between you and the land trust, that places limits on land use in order to preserve your property’s ecological features. It is a legal agreement that is flexibly tailored to meet your financial and personal needs. You continue to own the land and the property remains private with no right of public access.
A conservation easement is a versatile agreement allowing protection of your land forever, while you maintain ownership. There are income tax benefits that relate to the value of development rights given up. For more, please contact us. We can work with you to design a conservation easement appropriate to your needs.

Real Property
Real property, land or goods that can be sold can create income for TIWLT, and generate tax receipts for their Fair Market Value. As well, we often need equipment for programs and research work, and can issue tax receipts for such gifts at Fair Market Value.
We will look forward to discussing such donations.

Insurance Policies, Stocks, Bonds, etc.
Stocks and bonds, whether Canadian or US, can be donated to TIWLT through our RBC Wealth Management account, with tax receipts for value on the day of sale.
Bequests and life insurance policies generate tax receipts for their value. Donor-advised funds can provide on-going income for TIWLT.
We will look forward to discussing your gift.

Provisions in Wills
A gift in your Will lets you make the gift of a lifetime – but a gift you might not be able to afford while you’re alive. As with all major gifts to charities, have a discussion with your tax accountant.
In Canada’s tax regulations, you can give money to a charity to offset Canada Revenue Agency estate taxes. Also, should your net income in the year of your death be lower than the amount you give, your executor can claim a rebate against your previous year’s income and add that to your estate. Such planned gifts make a tremendous difference to our work, and can help make other provisions in your Will larger than might otherwise be the case.